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The Facial Massage Techniques

The facial massages at Aura are rich in various techniques, making each session particularly interesting. During each session, the techniques most suited to your objective will be used.
Image of a person receiving a relaxing facial massage

The relaxing massage

This set of maneuvers, developed specifically to relax all the muscles of the face, neck, arms, and hands, is truly unique.

Sensations: The slow gestures with variable pressure perfectly promote deep

Results: A beautiful glow and tensions no more !

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Before and after a Kobido massage


This ancient Japanese art, meaning "ancient way of beauty," has existed since the 15th century. As a beautiful choreography of the hands, this massage combines deep and light, quick and slow maneuvers, all with extreme precision.

Sensations: This energizing massage will surprise you with its variations in rhythm and pressure. Your muscles will heat up (like at the gym!) and will get relaxed and toned.

Results: A sculpted jawline, lifted eyebrows, plumped cheekbones, an overall toned and lifted face.

Before and after a gua sha massage

Gua Sha

This tool exists in various shapes and is mostly made from semi-precious stone (such as rose quartz). It was created in traditional Chinese medicine and means "scraping toxins/diseases." The techniques using Gua Sha are extremely effective.

Sensations: You will feel all the facets of this tool, both gentle and powerful, used with slow or fast gestures, warm or cold, with light or deep pressure. Gua Sha allows for extremely precise work.

Results: Softening of wrinkles, improvement of dark circles and puffiness, firmer skin, and unblocked Chi energy.

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Our facial muscles are constantly working. Their repeated contractions are the cause of the formation of our expression lines. Stretching is the technique that restores elasticity to the muscle and provides it with the nutrients it needs to stay toned.

Sensations : Deep touch will reach the muscles and stretch them. Like a sports massage, these gestures will warm slightly and relax intensely.

Results : Softening of wrinkles, plumped face, muscle relaxation



It is just as important to work on the lymphatic system as it is to work on the muscles and skin. Indeed, since the lymph is responsible for detoxifying our body and protecting it against microbes, improving its circulation through massage will have many benefits.

Sensations : The pressure of a manual lymphatic drainage is extremely light; you will feel a hypnotized by the movements and a relaxing softness. 

Results : Radiant skin, anti-puffiness, anti-dark circles, decongestion, and relaxation

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